Back to Work - Again

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Well, I'm logged in and back to work today.

As usual, some of the more urgent work was completed by my backup, but most has been sitting, awaiting my return.

As usual, I have dozens of requests in my "inbox," that all need to be completed "first thing Tuesday morning."

As usual, once I plow through the hundreds of e:mails and touch base with my backup, I will perform the work on a "first in, first out" basis.

As usual, there will be sales teams who will be upset by this policy, because really, their projects are the most important ones on the planet, and as such, should get my immediate attention.

As usual, my response to their distress will be, "whatever."

So things are pretty much status quo here.

Did I mention I have a paper due today?



John the Scientist said...

Actually FIFO is a really bad system, and if I were in marketing in your company, I'd be all over you about that.

But if I were in marketing in your company, I'd have a clear algorithm for you to prioritize which customer was most important. In the absence of that, you can tell marketing they are not doing their job correctly.

Janiece said...

John FIFO is a really bad system. However, the system I'm supposed to use assumes the sales team has made an honest determination about what sales stage the opportunity is in - i.e., identified, qualified, etc., as well as the total revenue stream. Since the sales teams in my company refuse to do this, and the leadership team refuses to force them, the only fair way for me to determine which of the hundreds of opportunities I work on in a month most needs my attention is FIFO.

I cannot tell you how many times I've heard that "this is the last change - after this I'm going to contract!" Or "this opportunity is HOT! They're totally going to buy this solution THIS QUARTER!" Or "it's worth MILLIONS!" It's so rarely the truth - the first comment means I'll be doing 5-10 more changes, the second means it may go to contract within 4 quarters, but probably not at all, and the third means the final contract may break $100K, but probably not. I simply have no intelligent way to determine which opportunity should come first.

So I use the fairest unintelligent way - FIFO.

Nathan said...

I can't believe you're doing what you get paid for before you help name my cat!


John the Scientist said...

That's what I mean about marketing and sales not being the same function. Marketing should keep sales honest.

I would never take a job at a copmany where the two were in the same line.

If sales is gaming the system like that, someone in your marketing arm needs firing.

Janiece said...

John, I'm unsure what function our Marketing department performs. Seriously.

And Nathan, how about "Milo?"

I'm naming my next dog "Milo," but you can use it, too.

Nathan said...

That's already on the shortlist.

Janiece said...

Great minds...