To complete our exciting activities for the day, we went and got our pedicures at the local nail shop, followed by shopping at the lingerie department of Target. Hilarity ensured when we needed a price check on ladies thongs, and the clerk couldn't understand why we kept insisting she announce it on the loudspeaker: "Price check on ladies' green thongs, size extra-large!" She thought she was cool with her face-piercings and her fire-engine red hair.
We showed
her. Amateur.
Here's my new pedicure that incidentally matches my Jeep:
Here's Amy's pedicure with her enviable glitter sandals, available at Target for $4.95, no price check required.
We're off to drink heavily and laugh until our sides hurt. Enjoy the rest of your evening, as any further entries today will likely be the result of overindulgence and an overestimation of our own cleverness. Since one usually follows the other, consider yourself forewarned.
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