I'm leaving for San Diego this morning to visit occasional commenter and long-time pal The Mechanicky Gal, aka Amy. I'll be there through the weekend, returning on Monday.
While I'm there, we will be engaged in Very Important Business. We'll be documenting these earth-shattering activities for your entertainment as they occur.
You're welcome.
Have fun while doing your Very Important Business. I look forward to the documentation of said earth-shattering activities.
Remember to keep wholly the eleventh commandment.
Okay Vince, I'll bite.
What is the eleventh commandment?
Don't Get Caught.
I knew Janiece would know what it was!
I loved this series! Thanks so much for taking us along for a vicarious girls' trip. I loved that the activities were all shopping, lounging, eating, drinking, or beautification activities. :)
Anne, you're welcome.
And you're welcome to join us on some future trip, if you're so inclined...
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