Very Important Business in San Diego, Part VI

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Yesterday when we returned from the airport, Francesca the Huntress was lolling in the front yard, and a mocking bird was dive-bombing her. Like all good cats, she ignored this uppity mocking bird, but she evidently took note.

This morning, we found the detritus of her evening snack:

Ew. This is why I have a wimpy, wimpy dog who couldn't catch a cold. Ew.


Cindi in CO said...

This? Is why I have indoor cats.

Well, this and the coyotes.

John the Scientist said...

Heh. We tied a big ol' bell to my rommate's cat to stop this sort of thing. Next morning there was another bird on the doorstep.

Turns out she modified her stalking to the "tree stand approach" by sitting on a low hanging tree limb and waiting for th birds to hop underneath. By the time the bird heard the bell, she was on top of it.

Random Michelle K said...


Inside cats are only proof against that if your house is sealed.

The last place we lived had a *very* unfinished basement and we often had a problem with mice.

When we got our small secondary cat, she caught and killed assorted mice and birds, all of which came in through the basement. The large primary cat only caught and killed a small ring neck snake that had gotten into he house.

Luckily, we found whole dead bodies instead of partially digested parts.

Thanks goodness.