Who Cares? Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 19

Friday, May 9, 2008

Barbara Walters has illicit affair with African-American Senator! Has Barbara always been a big rebel? What other affairs has she had in the last 30 years? Who Cares! No, really...Who Cares?


Cindi in CO said...

Barbara who?

Shawn Powers said...

So... am I "European American" ?

and in Canada, are there African-Canadians? (Seriously, I really don't know)

No, not ranting or anything. It just struck me, and made me wonder. :)

Random Michelle K said...

Boink boink boink!

Umm... why do we care who's boinking whom?

MWT said...

Hmm... her husband might care...

Random Michelle K said...

But that's between her and her husband, yes?

I'm not married to her, she's not boinking a minor or abusing helpless animals, so...

MWT said...

Sorry, was just taking the question literally. ;)