Nathan's At it Again

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Yes, Nathan is at it again.

This time, he's directing his Polybloggimous readers to a blog written by some poor production assistant on the west coast called "The Anonymous Production Assistant's Blog."

The idea is to have folks descend on this poor person's blog as "visitors" and leave comments.

Silly, but fun, and Anonymous' 5/19 entry on the the royal "we" is pretty cool.

Head on over if you wish, and identify yourself in the comments as a member of the "Let's Go Visiting" horde.

Poor production assistant. I wonder what he or she is thinking about all these strangers descending en masse?


Nathan said...

Hey! What's with the poor descriptor? He should be honored by the endorsement...honored, I say.

(It's not like I asked people to post Viagra Spam.)

Janiece said...

Nathan, that's true. I'm just thinking about how you confused the poor Grabill Family with your last round of hijinks.

Nathan said...

Oh. Well this doesn't even dip into that well of confusion. This is just your friendly neighborhood, drop-in-for-drinks-without-being-invited, kind of a thing.