Very Important Business in San Diego, Part V, aka Flower Pr0n

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Just for the amateur horticulturalists in the group, here's a dose of San Diego Flower Pr0n from Amy's garden:

Today's agenda includes returning some items to Target, finding a protege for Francesca the Huntress, and alcohol and Mexican food.
And remember, folks, you can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.


vince said...

And remember, folks, you can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.

Ok, milk through the nose on that one. You'd think I'd know better.

Cindi in CO said...


Mom would be so proud. :D

Cindi in CO said...

Oh yeah, and Flower Pr0n!!


Random Michelle K said...

I love the flower pr0n!

I recognize some of the species, but not all.

Woo! Woo!

Janiece said...

Okay, here's the breakdown:

The yellow cactus flower is opuntia.

The purple flowers to the right of the cactus is a scented geranium.

The red and yellow flowers are lantana.

The purple flowers to the right of the lantana are Rock Purslane.

The purlple and yellow flowers are violas.

Amy says she'll be happy to send you cuttings, Michelle, if you wish. Just let us know, and I'll make sure she gets your address.

Random Michelle K said...

They're lovely, but they're all annuals around here, but thank you anyway Amy! (I don't have much full sun space in my gardens, unfortunately, but I can now tell you what thrives in part sun in clay soil in zone 5!)

Though I do have viola and pansy seeds in one planter up front. Because I love them so. :)