Your Friday Giggle

Friday, May 16, 2008

This description of what the Bad Astronomer calls the Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory will either make you laugh out loud or melt your brain. Please note that I have warned you - if your brain does indeed melt, HCDSM will not be liable.

The bright side: Freeze Dried Whack-a-Loons are not limited to the religious right of the U.S. Doesn't that make you feel better?


Steve Buchheit said...

Couldn't watch the whole thing. I felt the stupid infecting me, so I had to stop after the "Nothing can get through the Van Allen Belt" line.

Although I do love "It's made of mass." I'm going to have to use that somewhere.

So, does he get say "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." near the end?

Janiece said...

Steve, the line that got me was the scientist = Freemason correlation.

Actually, at the end, he says people are welcome to tell him he's nuts.

So I did.

Jim Wright said...

Oh my God! It's made of mass!

If only Clarke had used that phrase.

"They can't change direction in space, it's impossible, it just can't be done"

"You may be seeing flying saucers as early as this summer!"

"The EU building is built in the same pattern as the tower of Babel"

"Any schoolboy knows more about a this than the scientists, or the masons, same thing"

Aaaaaaaaagh! Make it stop! The stupid it burns, it burns!

There's just so much complete bugeating, batshit, glue sniffing, bald faced fucking crazy in this video that it's nearly impossible for me to believe that this guy isn't running an elaborate comedy routine - and the Brit accent just adds to it.

Janiece said...

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?