So I've decided to ignore Hillary's arm waving, and speculate on Vice President nominee selections.
For Senator McCain, I think it's imperative that he choose someone smart and young. Why, yes, my alter ego is Captain Obvious.
Actually, I don't care who McCain selects. He lost my vote when he chose not to support S.22, the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act. I had some serious concerns about him before that (torture, anyone?), but given his personal history, the sheer hypocrisy of failing to support this measure just puts me over the edge. See you, Senator McCain. Courage may matter, but apparently only if the courage of your convictions doesn't interfere with your presidential ambitions.
For Senator Obama, I'm concerned that Hillary's political machinations may force him to ask her to be his running mate, a la JFK and LBJ. That would really suck for me, because I believe it would reward her bad behavior and compromise Obama's position. I'm not such a tin-foil-hat conspiracy theorist that I think the Clintons would "take care of" Obama, but I don't want her in the incumbent position for future elections. I was ambivalent about her prior to the primaries, now she's just left a bad taste in my mouth.
My choice? I think Senator Obama should ask Senator James Webb of Virginia to be his running mate, and not just because I'm a Senator Webb Fan-Girl.
Webb is strong where Obama is weak, i.e., matters concerning the Armed Forces. They have similar reputations in terms of being people of principle. Webb is a bit older, and so has all the vaunted "experience" Obama's detractors say is lacking.
Plus there's the added bonus that he would then be the incumbent.
Not that I have ulterior motives, or anything.
Who do you want to see selected as the running-mates?
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now she's just left a bad taste in my mouth
Ahh, the Clintons...
Yeah. They sort of specialize in leaving a bad taste in people's mouths.
Here Janiece, have a cigar.
(runs away)
Well, I'm glad someone got my innuendo.
Hadn't though about running mates yet, but you're suggestion makes great sense. You should let the Obama campaign know :-).
Oh, and I got the innuendo, too, but some of us have to work, ya know.
I know, I know, "your" not "you're"...
Stupid computer, supposed to enter what I mean, not what I type.
Shouldn't that be
"In - your - end! OH!"
Just asking...
And I have no real opinion about the VP candidate. I like Edwards, but I'd rather see him in a cabinet position I think.
I had an early hope for an Obama/Clinton ticket. Then I started thinking maybe she should be up for a cabinet position. Now, I'm thinking Postmaster at some really tiny town. One where the customers are always pissed off.
Beyond that, I've got no suggestions.
Nathan, perhaps she should work at the Post Office in Palmer, AK.
I'm not that mad at her.
Hey now, I've got enough problems without that, thanks.
I'm for Jim Webb, I think that's just an excellent idea and for exactly the reasons you stated.
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