Various and Sundry

Monday, May 5, 2008
Anne's Open House

I went to Anne's Open House yesterday. My Smart Man had some sauerkraut that didn't agree with him, and so stayed home, but I had a great time. I met Anne's frequent commenters Stacey and J.R., as well as the infamous Grabill Family. Anne's friends and family are fun and engaging, and her house is just so cute and suits her perfectly. We're going to try and go to dinner when she returns from India next month.

Happy Birthday!

Frequent commenter and Hot Sister Cindi in CO is celebrating her birthday today. What's that? Why, yes, she is older than me, thanks for asking.

Note to Hillary

After you're done telling everyone how "elitist" Obama is, make sure to post pictures of you new Halloween costume, "the kettle." Or "the pot." Whichever you're most comfortable with.

Dentist Dread

I have to go to the dentist later this morning for my quarterly cleaning. I really, really don't like to go to the dentist.

Austin Cline

Today's daily dose of sarcasm courtesy of Austin Cline is the last one. I'm open to suggestion for a replacement feature, otherwise I'll probably just delete it.

Upcoming Gal-Pal Weekend

This weekend I'll be flying to San Diego to spend some time with my friend and occasional commenter The Mechanicky Gal. We have very important business to conduct, which we will blog about as appropriate. Because I know you all are just wildly curious about what occurs when two old Navy friends get together for a long weekend. Your wish is our command!


Cindi in CO said...

Thanks for the good wishes.

As for the snark, well, you can be replaced too, you know.

Janiece said...

If you replaced me, you'd miss me. Plus, I'm funny!

Random Michelle K said...

Happy birthday from one older sister to another!

Cindi in CO said...

Thanks, Michelle!

Nathan said...

Your blog ate my comment. It was witty and original and hysterical and it would have been a wonderful birthday gift to Cindi. Ah well. You can just let her know she's not getting the wonderful comment 'cause your blog ate it.

Janiece said...

Bad Blog, Bad!

No cookie!

Random Michelle K said...

Can I have the cookie instead?

Since the blog isn't getting it and all.

Janiece said...

Of course.

Random Michelle K said...

Mmmm! Chocolate cookie!


Jeri said...

Have a lovely weekend in SD!

And - is there more to the story on discontinuing the Austin Cline pics? (Maybe I've missed it by being hit and miss on comment threads...)

Janiece said...

Jeri, I'm just out of material. I posted each one once, and don't want to recycle.