End of the Quarter

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Well, I turned in my final paper for my Law, Politics and Policy class.

I've thoroughly enjoyed this class, and I have to say the Professor was the best I've had at DU. He was a really tough grader, but always provided constructive feedback and suggestions for future assignments. A very positive experience.

My next class is "Effective Communication." Why, yes, it is a required class for my degree program, why do you ask?

We'll see how this one goes. I'm quite positive it'll be a better experience than my Leadership class, but I don't consider the subject matter to be as interesting as some of the other disciplines.


Tom said...

"Effective Communication"

Show them your blog. Then you can test out of the class.

Just sayin'.

Shawn Powers said...

Sometimes I'm glad I don't have any class.

Wait... That didn't sound quite right. ;)