I Actually Have to Go To Work Today

Monday, June 9, 2008
I actually have to leave the house and go into the office for the next few days. Shocking, I know. I'm taking a "train the trainer" course on The Next Big Thing, which will Save Our Company.

Now, I actually think this particular Thing is a good idea, and will correct some longstanding issues with my company's sales process. But I find it utterly hilarious that senior leadership types always treat The Next Big Thing as a panacea that will End World Hunger or some such.

Not so much. In this case, it will fix a specific problem, which will hopefully lead to more market share. It will not cure cancer, feed the hungry, or allow us to terraform Mars into human habitability.

So I'll be a bit scarce the next few days. If you need me, I'll evidently be learning how to cure AIDS and turn the hearts of the criminally insane.


Jim Wright said...

Leave the house? For work? Are you mad?

Shawn Powers said...

Yeah... so for me, work starts to feel like home. :(

Thankfully, my second job is flexible, and only requires the Internets. w00 h00!

Cindi in CO said...

Okay, let me get this straight. You're going to come out of your basement and actually talk to people? Real people?

That's a helluva way to start out the week.

Janiece said...

That's right, y'all. I was actually dressed before 6:15 a.m. And I'm in an actual office building.

Kind of sucks, actually.

And, as usual in engineering classes, I am the token chick.

Shawn Powers said...

And, as usual in engineering classes, I am the token chick.

See, I quickly read that as "Tolkien chick", and wondered what exactly you wore to work...

Random Michelle K said...

I'd say have fun, but...

Instead, here's to hoping things Don't Suck!

Jeri said...

I hope your class is interesting, and that the technology is actually kewl.

Plus, be nice to all those guys. They won't know what hit 'em.

Janiece said...

Good News, Hot Chicks and Smart Men!

I have cured AIDS! And I'm on my way home!

You can thank me now.