Sad News from San Diego

Sunday, June 15, 2008
I'm afraid I have some sad news. Francesca the Great Huntress, famed kitty of gal-pal and occasional commenter The Mechanicky Gal, aka Amy, has succumbed to coyotes.

As you'll recall, Francesca was a Good Hostess, providing fresh meat whenever an overnight guest was in residence.

She was also the scourge of the local mockingbirds, keeping them afeared and cautious.

Poor lost kitty.

Amy is philosophical about it ("It's the natural order of the Universe, damnit!"), but we all know that losing a pet is never an easy thing.

So raise a glass to Francesca, The Great Huntress. Scourge of the Neighborhood. Good Hostess. Comfortable Companion. World Traveller. All around good kitty.



Shawn Powers said...

Awe... poor kitty. :(

Random Michelle K said...

I'm sorry Amy.

Anne C. said...

Fitting that a Great Huntress was taken by a hunter. I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted to go any other way.

Oddly enough, last night I had a dream that one of my cats was picked up by a tiger while playing in the yard. I was terrified that he would be eaten (a cousin's Westie was eaten by a cougar near Loveland), but the tiger put him down unharmed. Thank goodness there are no tigers loose in CO.
Weird coincidence.

MWT said...

Poor kitty. :(

vince said...

My sympathies, Amy.


Jeri said...

I'm sorry Amy, but I'm glad she lived well!

Cindi in CO said...

I'm so sorry Amy.

::raises a glass to Francesca::

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Amy. What a sweet looking kitty.

My condolences.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Thank you, everyone. Looking back, it was a little humorous how it was actually discovered that she had been eaten, but maybe I just have a slightly off sense of humor.
And when Jnaiece recently visited, we were going to go Kitty Shopping to find a protoge! How ironic! Or would the coyotes have gotten them both?

Janiece said...

Um, I sort of left that part out.

Poor Francesca's demise was confirmed by the Finding of a Leg in the Yard.