'Tard of the Week - James Dobson

Monday, June 30, 2008
Today's 'Tard of the Week is none other than our favorite friend James Dobson. Head of the conservative evangelical "Focus on the Family" compound in Colorado Springs, Colorado, he's a successful minister and political activist.

He's also a complete nutbar, and more than a little arrogant.

In a recent broadcast, he was berating Barack Obama for a speech he gave two years ago to liberal Christians, encouraging them to participate in public life, and exhorting them not to "cede the ground to religious conservatives." He rightly commented that there are many ways to interpret the Bible, and implied that allowing the religious right to speak for all Christians in this country was probably a mistake.

Well. We certainly can't have that, can we? After all, James Dobson and his ilk clearly have a corner on the Truth.

Let's look at James Dobson's pertinent comments, shall we?

"I think he's deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own world view, his own confused theology."

You think? Hello? Dr. Dobson? What, are you fucking stupid? Of course Barack Obama has his own interpretation of the Bible. Just like every other self-proclaimed Christian on this planet, including you. You do not have a corner on the Truth, you self-righteous prick, and implying your way is the only way only increases the contempt the rest of the population has for intolerant, hypocritical right-wing evangelicals. You 'tard.

On the topic of Obama's belief that a politician should take into account a variety of views on moral issues, Dr. Dobson had this to say:

"That is a fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution. This is why we have elections. To support what we believe to be wise and moral. We don't have to go to the lowest common denominator of morality, which is what he is suggesting."

Yeah, you're right, Dr. Dobson. Your background in child psychology and theology certainly makes you much more qualified to interpret the Constitution than a Harvard educated Constitutional Law professor. What an arrogant 'tard. His assumption that everyone who doesn't agree with him and his self-righteous FOTF zealots represent the "lowest common denominator of morality" is a joke. Smug bastard.

I've read the commentary that implies that Dobson is just pissed because the Republicans chose a candidate not to his personal liking, and that he also feels Obama might be poaching on his evangelical base by reaching out to moderate, like-minded people of faith.

Well, guess what, Dr. Dobson? Put on your big-boy panties and get the fuck over it. To quote, oh, I don't know...you..."This is why we have elections." Your lap-dog Huckabee lost, because he's a nutbar, and your dream of an American Christian Theocracy is dead for another election cycle. Moderate Christians are finally starting to get up off their ass and be heard, instead of leaving the stage to you and the rest the loony-bin crack-pots you hang out with.

Get over yourself, Dobson. You are eminently unqualified to discuss Constitutional Law, and your insistence that you, and only you, have the ultimate Truth is the most self-righteous, arrogant bullshit I've heard this week. Fucking 'tard.


Cindi in CO said...

I don't like this guy. I mean, I really don't like this guy. Loathe him, in fact.

I had to listen to his yammering every Tuesday and Wednesday in the meat room at Super Foods because the butcher was "born again", and he thought ol' Jimmy ruled. For five years. Yeah. This was after an hour of Rush Limbaugh.

Personally, I think I should be commended for not strangling the butcher with pig entrails after the first six months.

Janiece said...

Consider yourself commended, Cindi. I'm pretty sure I would not have had the same restraint in similar circumstances.

God, what a tool.

Random Michelle K said...

I think you should have strangled him.

I also think listening to that nutbar should be considering torture, just like listening to Mariah Carey and the Barney Song.

Actually, I'd rather be forced to listen to Mariah Carey and the Barney song.

Jeri said...

My inlaws buy us his books. We don't burn them - but I put them on the bookshelves next to "Toxic In-Laws". We've never admitted WHICh inlaws are toxic but I think the hint is pretty broad.

Dobson is creepy. I think his picture is in the dictionary next to sanctimonious.

Janiece said...

Jeri, you nailed it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who get nauseous when I have to hear this fuck-stick speak.

Steve Buchheit said...

I wouldn't have strangled him, Cindi, there's all those sharp shiny objects in meat rooms. See, strangling would be a direct act (although the pig entrails is a nice touch, although a bit too poetic), whereas accidents can happen.

And Dobson's been on my 'tard list for years. Ever since he started spouting the "War on Xmas" crap and became more than the "lunatic runaway with the mic."

Janiece said...

Steve, I'm sorry to say that I've actually been to the FOTF compound. I was there in a professional capacity when I was still a Field SE.

The air of self-righteous smugness that permeated the place made me sick to my stomach.

"We're Christian, you know. Because Jesus loves me."

Yeah, I'm sure he does, you sanctimonious prick, but it doesn't excuse your behavior.

Cindi in CO said...

Note to Mr. Dobson:

Jesus may love you, but everyone else thinks you're an asshole.

Janiece said...

P.S. to Dr. Dobson:

"And you're even giving Jesus a run for his money. Seriously, dude, do you have to make it so hard?"