Stupid Weather

Thursday, June 5, 2008
The painters were supposed to start on the outside of the house today, but here is the view from my basement office:

So it'll be postponed until the weather clears.

You want to know what's worse?

We see Rush every year that they're here. I've been seeing them live since the "Moving Pictures" tour, and they always put on a good show.

However, the Red Rocks Amphitheatre is their preferred venue, and guess what? It's outside.

I really hope it clears out by tonight. Because Red Rocks is a "rain or shine" venue.

Yeah. Stupid weather.


kimby said...

My own Smart Man is a Rush Freak. He is going to see them again later this month...alone, as alas I do not care for them. Not enough for me to pay to see them.
Actually it is just Geddy I can't handle.

But I hope you guys have fun!
Let me know how it was so i can tease my Smart Man....

Janiece said...

Geddy is actually my favorite bass player.

But I think the Stones are over-rated, so there you go.

Random Michelle K said...

Hope it clears up your way.

We've actually had schools closed for flooding around the state. Presumably because roads are flooded and not because schools are flooded. (One more reason not to live down on the hollars.)

vince said...

Though his mind is not for rent
Don't put him down as arrogant
His reserve, a quiet defense
Riding out the day's events
The river

In concert wet or dry, I eny you. I'm a big Rush fan, although they're a little to influenced by Ayn Rand, in my opinion. Still, they are great musicians and write great songs.

And Geddy Lee, I wish I could play bass like he does (I'm also jealous of Jack Bruce). And he can make fun of himself, too, as he did in his guest appearance on the Bob and Doug McKenzie tune "Tak Off."

Janiece said...

Vince, based on the shows I've seen, none of the band members take themselves too seriously.

Last year they had rotisserie chickens cooking in a portable oven on the stage, and the roadies would come out periodically during the concert to remove one.

The year before, they had a washer and dryer on stage, and roadies came out periodically to change out the wash.

Last year they also played the Bob and Doug take-off, as well as the South Park bit where the kids were trying to cover them.


Gotta love the aging hippies...

Steve Buchheit said...

"The trouble with the maples
And they're quite convinced they're right
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade"

Say, you wouldn't be a Rush fan, would you?

Hope it clear up for the show.

"Hi, I'm Neil Peart for Zildjin Cymbals, you can't see me because I'm a blur."

Janiece said...

Steve, no doubt. It's fun to watch his solos. What a freak of nature...

Cindi in CO said...

"But I think the Stones are over-rated, so there you go."

Bite your tongue, you!

The Stones will rule from the grave.

(insert easy joke here)