A man was operated on in Hornsby Hospital in Sydney, Australia on June 1st to remove 16 stainless steel washers from his penis.
Surgeons took about 90 minutes to remove the washers using fire department equipment.
I don't think we need to explore this particular retardation too deeply. Just sayin'.
Best line from the article?
It was not clear how the situation arose.
Nathan, that cracked me up, too.
Obviously, journalists in the Land of Oz are not above a small double entendre.
What I (sort of) want to know, is what exactly he was wanting to explore deeply with this particular brand of retardation.
The washers almost beat this.
Heh. I missed the fact that the BMJ article was in the "Short Reports" section. I think that's a quadruple entendre.
John, I don't want to know, in either case.
::sticks fingers in ears::
Ya mean ya didn't click on my link?!?
That article sucks.
"But were driven to new lengths"?!
You can't beat British Meidcal humor and that stiff upper .... lip.
We used to have that article thumbtacked to the bulletin bard in grad school with the annotation: "don't even think of trying the mass spec vacuum pumps".
John, I did click the link. That's why I don't want to know what would motivate such behavior.
John, I know it's just a typo, but now I have visions of a "bulletin bard" standing in the hallway declaiming.
And he probably doesn't appreciate you thumbtacking stuff to him.
I don't know John, there are some pretty good articles in the Canadian Medical journal.
I've always been fond of this article on refrigerator blindness as well as this one.
"The patient later reported a resumption in his nighttime ability to hear his infant son crying, which led to his being able to promptly jump out of bed and attend to his son's needs, excluding breast-feeding. This return to normal enhanced the state of their marital bliss on this island location."
Good thing they weren't lock washers.
@Jim: Heck yeah. Lock washers would have hurt like hell, man. Still, I can only wonder just how he managed to do that in the first place.
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