You've definitely made a good start, but as Jeri suggests, I think we need something 3-D, interactive, with shifting colors and shading and maybe a John Williams score.
But as the lone representative of Marketing, here, I have to point out that you have reached the maximum information denisty on this graph that can be read without confusion.
Just lookin' out for the customer, like all Marketing folks... :p
Wow. Janiece, that is a labor of love (love for engineering and organization, I'm guessing). Wow.
Thanks for taking Jeri's suggestion of making snail mail lines yellow. ;) Seriously though, because gifts are sent in the mail and in this day and age real snail mail is intended as a gift, we really could combine the two categories. (But only if you want to.)
The pimping lines are what are truly extrodinary. How on earth do you keep track of it all?
MWT seemed like a major nexus, having cross-pollenated quite a lot of us, it seemed, and not just myself--but I accept the point: put Jim and MWT at the center!
(And if it seemed like I was somehow picking on anyone, I wasn't trying to!)
Actually - if you wanted to email to me - I'd take a stab at overlaying writing collaboration. I don't have Visio 07, I need it saved back if that's what you're on. Send to jerimrl at sign gmail dot com.
Because, clearly, I'd like to see this flowchart look more hairballish than it already does. ;)
When Jeri puts up her new version, let's all run over there and tell her she needs to add more stuff.
Have any of us here aimed a gun at any of the others? That could be a category. Hit anybody else with a pie? That's a category. Any Vulcan Mind Melds?.........
This thing is just all full of Awesome and the possibilities are endles...endless, I say!
And I think Jeff should be at the center...mostly because having all of us staring at him would give him the heebie-jeebies.
Janiece owned this for one day. About 8 hours. And she worked absolute miracles. I am proposing one revision. I'd be glad to do stuff to it for one day. Or maybe just one evening... Pacific time. (Take THAT, Nathan. ;) And then someone else can play. Or not.
Eventually we will have created a Jackson Pollock work of art ourselves, although the random click method was probably a more enjoyable way to get there.
You know, it kinda looks like a Spirograph work of art. Remember those, from when you were a kid - if you are that old?
Jeri, I'll send it over in the morning. It's on my work laptop rather than my home machine (Visio is expensive - I'm not about to buy it for myself), and I try not to log in after my work day is over.
Janiece, I am speechless - and grateful - for being included in such an esteemed company, even though I still have no clue what UCF even means, and truly cannot boast any of the connections charted here (well, I guess I have to start participating in pimping more).
Come to think of it, my wife's name is Natalie... Don't think that counts... My younger daughter is most often known as Kimmy, which is close to... Nah!... Oh wait! She has a stuffed bunny called Nathan! That should do it!
I am a Hot Chick living in Castle Rock, CO with my fabulous family. We have a rescue dog named "Jackson," and she's a Basenji/Shepherd mix. She's something of a head case, but we love her. I'm a U.S. Navy vet, and I currently work as an Enterprise Solutions Architect, specializing in VoIP and multimedia contact center design. I care about social justice, libraries, science, the U.S. Constitution and the military. I'm a tax and spend liberal in a largely red county, but I try not to be stabby about it. I knit for charity. Stupidity, cupidity and wanton assholery piss me off, and I'm more than a little soft when it comes to dogs and those who serve others. I blog about whatever I feel like. I use foul language, so if that sort of thing offends you, feel free to fuck off now - if I'm unwilling to clean up my language for my fabulous Great Auntie Margie, I'm unlikely to do so for you. Newcomers are welcome here, especially those who disagree with me, but trolling and spamming will be met with the Shovel of Doom™.
I'm thinking we're starting to need 3-d modeling software. ;)
Um, how much time do you have on your hands, exactly? :)
Very cool, Janiece. Something tells me that you are a very good engineer.
You've definitely made a good start, but as Jeri suggests, I think we need something 3-D, interactive, with shifting colors and shading and maybe a John Williams score.
All y'all can just kiss my butt.
Ungrateful wretches.
No John Williams score, please (plagaristic hack). Jerry Goldsmith would be much better, though Stephen Sondheim would be opitimal.
::Sings Loudly for Carol Elaine::
Isn't it bliss?
Don't you approve?
One who keeps tearing around,
One who can't move.
Where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns.
I think my brain hurts!
(That's good, right?)
Thank you, Nathan! And oddly apropos for this bunch. ;)
Though my sick contrarian side is drawn to this:
These are my friends.
See how they glisten.
See this one shine...
How he smiles in the light.
My friend.
My faithful friend...
"All y'all can just kiss my butt.
Ungrateful wretches."
Well, I for one, think this is excellent.
But as the lone representative of Marketing, here, I have to point out that you have reached the maximum information denisty on this graph that can be read without confusion.
Just lookin' out for the customer, like all Marketing folks... :p
(Ducks and runs)...
Wow. Janiece, that is a labor of love (love for engineering and organization, I'm guessing). Wow.
Thanks for taking Jeri's suggestion of making snail mail lines yellow. ;)
Seriously though, because gifts are sent in the mail and in this day and age real snail mail is intended as a gift, we really could combine the two categories. (But only if you want to.)
The pimping lines are what are truly extrodinary. How on earth do you keep track of it all?
John, I think we reachd maxium information density about 25 connections ago. But I'll be damned if I'm willing to break it up into different charts!
Anne, I just visited blogs, and notice who was on who's blogroll.
I'm quite sure I've missed a bunch of connections, though, since I don't know some of the folks...
Ah, blogroll. That makes sense.
I think it would be awesome if you relocated MWT to the center of the entire chart.
Eric, should I ask?
The pimping could be a separate chart, since that would helpl guide people to whom they are missing on their blogrolls...
I can't hear you!
The pimping lines were actually what prompted my 3-d comment. LOL
NOT that I'm suggesting any changes to Janiece's excellent work. Except maybe an artist's signature and a limited edition print run.
Oh, and maybe a series of lines for collaborating on writing projects.
::ducks behind desk and waits for explosion::
I think it would be awesome if you relocated MWT to the center of the entire chart.
I think if anyone should be at the center, it would be Jim. Having said that though, I think I will ask - why me, Eric??
MWT seemed like a major nexus, having cross-pollenated quite a lot of us, it seemed, and not just myself--but I accept the point: put Jim and MWT at the center!
(And if it seemed like I was somehow picking on anyone, I wasn't trying to!)
I'm still saying Lalala, but I'm happy to e:Mail the file to anyone who wants to make changes.
Anyone? Anyone?
Actually - if you wanted to email to me - I'd take a stab at overlaying writing collaboration. I don't have Visio 07, I need it saved back if that's what you're on. Send to jerimrl at sign gmail dot com.
Because, clearly, I'd like to see this flowchart look more hairballish than it already does. ;)
Oh - and why do I want to do this? Because it'd connnect a lot of the standalone guys. :) And I'm nothing if not OCD about connecting all the dots.
Ooooo, pretty org chart. Pretty comments. Alternate universes.
Janiece, you rock!!!
Hey everybody,
When Jeri puts up her new version, let's all run over there and tell her she needs to add more stuff.
Have any of us here aimed a gun at any of the others? That could be a category. Hit anybody else with a pie? That's a category. Any Vulcan Mind Melds?.........
This thing is just all full of Awesome and the possibilities are endles...endless, I say!
And I think Jeff should be at the center...mostly because having all of us staring at him would give him the heebie-jeebies.
Yeah, I know...LaLaLaLa
Janiece owned this for one day. About 8 hours. And she worked absolute miracles. I am proposing one revision. I'd be glad to do stuff to it for one day. Or maybe just one evening... Pacific time. (Take THAT, Nathan. ;) And then someone else can play. Or not.
Eventually we will have created a Jackson Pollock work of art ourselves, although the random click method was probably a more enjoyable way to get there.
You know, it kinda looks like a Spirograph work of art. Remember those, from when you were a kid - if you are that old?
I am the unconnected. :-) Do I get more connected since I bought 2 bowls from Jim, and my husband knew him in the Navy?
am the unconnected. :-) Do I get more connected since I bought 2 bowls from Jim, and my husband knew him in the Navy?
I like both those connections Natalie (seems like the former would count as mail), so maybe Jeri will add it if/when she gets the org chart.
And I think this may set a record for comments on a UCF blog.
Jeri, I'll send it over in the morning. It's on my work laptop rather than my home machine (Visio is expensive - I'm not about to buy it for myself), and I try not to log in after my work day is over.
Janiece, I am speechless - and grateful - for being included in such an esteemed company, even though I still have no clue what UCF even means, and truly cannot boast any of the connections charted here (well, I guess I have to start participating in pimping more).
Come to think of it, my wife's name is Natalie... Don't think that counts... My younger daughter is most often known as Kimmy, which is close to... Nah!... Oh wait! She has a stuffed bunny called Nathan! That should do it!
Note to self: Look for other clues before posting... Duh!
I now know what UCF stands for (from older posts), but still not the basis for inclusion. Are there membership dues?
Yes. The dues are in chocolate.
Feel free to send them to me.
Ilya, don't let Michelle extort your chocolate.
Nathan threw your name in the hat, so any chocolate gifts should be sent to him.
Foiled again!
My house is full of chocolate - all three of my girls are addicts... If you ever find yourself in London, make sure to stop by :)
Well, Vince and I have now exchanged email and phone numbers, as well as the occasional Tweet, so line me up, baby!
Phone calls to follow...
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