As you all will remember, I'm not mechanically inclined, and I wouldn't know a transmission from a transvestite. Luckily for all concerned, the proprietor of the used parts store handled everything for me, including providing the box. Who says customer service is dead?
After I picked up the part, I continued north to have lunch with my Hot Mom, who keeps her cell phone in this knitted cozy:
You just can't make this shit up. The thing that kills me about this is that my Mom is not a technophobe. She teaches computer courses at the Senior Center, and is quite skilled with Photo shop. But she feels compelled to knit a cozy for her cell phone. Feel free to mock her, but only if you do so with love. Because it turns out my favorite aunt did the same thing. Since it runs in the family, I may end up with one of my own one day, so I guess shouldn't get too cocky.
And as an aside, I'd like to give a shout out to my Great-Aunt Marge, my grandmother's younger sister. She's apparently been lurking around these parts, in spite of my foul language. Hi, Aunt Margie!
(Let's try this again with working links...)
A public service announcement brought to you by Standing On The Shoulders Of Giant Midgets.
Actually, if the cell phone cozy could be made to hang around your neck or be made to conveniently carry, my grandmother could probably use one.
She is a technophobe, but she loves the cell phone. :)
John will be thrilled. He's been obsessing over this, and alternately bragging to his friends that his wife and her female friends are helping him get a transmission for his Volvo.
Oh, and my 21 year-old summer intern thinks she could use a cozy for her cellphone. She's a pretty awesome intern, a good fit for our workgroup.
Those things are called cozies? Huh. I've been using my dice bags...
Why, thank you, Eric. It's all clear to me, now.
You're welcome, Tania, and you might want to make sure you bring some rags and such to pack this sucker. It looks kind of dirty. Not that I touched it, or anything, but the nice man at the parts shop used rags to handle it. I have your paperwork and receipt, as well.
And Tania, feel free to ask my Hot Mom to knit your intern a cozy. She may, since you didn't mock her. :-)
I'm getting an iPhone in July, and I have no idea how a person is supposed to tote one around. I picture damaged goods if I keep it in my pocket.
My current Razr has a handy dandy leather cover with a belt clip. It's the least dorky belt-clipped cellphone I've ever seen. I'm not sure how I'm going to keep my iPhone handy though.
I'm not suggesting a cozy would be the way to go, but I understand the desire for such a thing, that's for sure. :)
Shawn, if you got a cozy for your iPhone, I would make fun of you for days and days and days.
Just sayin'.
Shawn, my brother has some sort of leather case for his pocket.
However you seem to have forgotten that your Scott E Vest has a pocked PERFECT for iPods and iPhones!
I can barely get my phone out of my pocket when it rings. If it was in a cozy, I'd just spend all day checking for missed calls.
And I vote for Shawn getting one. I like making fun of him. :D
Our Hot Mom also crocheted binkies for my kitties.
She's awesome.
Cindi, when I first saw that, I thought you said "bikinis for your kittens!" I thought, I really want to see that. Then I thought, no, I really don't!
It would probably make a good LOLcat, though.
Nathan, is it perhaps possible that your jeans are too tight if you can't get your cell phone easily out of your pocket?
Mom? Amy here. As Janiece knows I do the ballet. AND I have long hair which needs to be contained in a ballet-like manner. Can you knit/crochet me one of those bun covers? I NEED one! Thanks! And since I have 2 new additions to my pride, what is a Kitteh Binkie? Hugs and kisses, and I LOOOOOVE the curried fruits!
For Amy
A cozy for you hair?
How much hair are we talking about?
As for the binkies?
Cindi can enlighten you on their uses.....
Amy, a kitty binkie is a small, soft blanket good for comfort and warmth.
Our boys have been known to drag them under the couch to lie on during thunderstorms and other frightening events. ;)
Hi Mom! Hi Cindi! Do you remember those crocheted (kind of a granny square pattern) things that women would use to cover a bun, they were popular in teh early 70's? I think that I would need one about 3-1/2 inches in daimeter.
I htink that they also had some kind of drawstring around the base, or maybe one just anchors then with bobby pins? It just keeps the hair from getting out and about on it's own.
I know what you are talking about. I will see what I can do. Kind of like a pony tail condom
Maybe not so much
Hee! My Hot Mom said "Pony-Tail Condom!"
Why, yes, I am twelve, thanks for asking.
I don't know about my phone, but that thing looks like it would keep my beer cold... ;)
And Tania? Seriously, you are indeed a true Alaskan.
Holy crap, Hot Mom said "Ponytail Condom!"
Hot Mom is so cool. My mom would have a heart attack if you even mentioned the word "Condom" in her presences.
Sex, it's just dirty. Presbyterians, it's a mystery how they even have children in the first place. But I love her anyway. ;)
Oh, and not to bogart the comment thread or anything, but I second Nathan's vote for Hot Mom to make an iPhone cozy for Shawn. Seriously, I want to see his linux journal review of it.
Jim, I'm pretty sure I second/third the motion of an iPhone Cozy with the accompanying Linux Journal video review, if my Hot Mom is willing.
Putting on Know-It-All Hat:
Mechanicky Gal and Hot Mom, those Ponytail Condoms are otherwise known as snoods, popular in the 1940s and revived in the 80s. I was the proud owner of several barrette snoods during the 80s.
BTW, here's a pattern for a snood.
Which is why, Hot Chicks and Smart Men, Carol Elaine is our Science Officer.
Why,thank you, Commodore!
A Science Officer with a thing for fashion, that's me!
Shawn, I do think that you need a iPhone Condom, er, I mean, knit cozy for your upcoming iPhone, but should you decide that's not the route to take, here are some options. My ex had a leather case for his iPhone and it worked well for him.
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