I May Have to Go See This

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Anonymous said...

My friend Eric (the militant atheist friend) and I have been talking about this movie for a few months. We're both rather eager to see it.

I <3 Bill Maher.

Cindi in CO said...

"I <3 Bill Maher."

Oh, me too Carol Elaine. Even when I think he's full of it, (which isn't very often) he's still entertaining as hell.

Janiece said...

Bill makes me laugh. Hee!

Unknown said...

I don't know why, but this trailer bothers me. Why make it a mission to dissuade belief in something that for many brings comfort?

Sure, there are crazies out there but there are nuts in every bag of everything.

Mind you, this comment is coming from a person who not necessarily has found a proper religion she actually likes, but someone who still believes in God and Jesus Christ. I guess that makes me a minority in some circles these days. :(

I guess I'm just curious when it became fun to mock other people who do something a lot of us don't have the energy to do anymore.

Believe in something.

Not looking for a fight here, btw. Just stating my personal opinion. ;)

Janiece said...

Kate, you're always welcome to state your opinion here, and your point is well-taken.

I would submit, however, that "belief in something" is not a virtue in and of itself. Blind belief with no introspection, analytical thought, or concern for consequences is not a virtue. Nor does it have to do with energy or the lack thereof. Many agnostics I know put much more energy into determining their "lack" of belief than do many Christians.

Speaking only for myself, I can say that, as always, I consider belief and religion to be a private matter. As long as it remains so, I have no issue with it. You will never see me mocking or poking fun at people who maintain their belief outside the public sphere.

However, when an organization or an individual makes their belief or religion a public matter, such as many politicians and other public figures, then discussion is warrented, and mockery, if earned, is entirely appropriate.

Some examples that come immediately to mind are ID in schools, GWB's belief that God has told him to bring democracy to the Middle East, and laws that overtly or covertly discriminate against the minority based on them not believing in the majority's religious belief.

Make sense?

Unknown said...


I completely agree with you on all points. It just seemed with the brief scenes in that trailer, it wasn't only politicians that were being mocked.

The woman who said with enthusiasm that she's riding back on a white horse, or the man who very vehemently warned not to mock his God, are what seem to be people who have put every part of themselves into their belief.

Back when I got confirmed, I went to a Catholic youth meeting in Ohio. Thousands of people left the big meeting energized and renewed in their faith. I do look back and realize how uncomfortable I was at that gathering, however I will never aim to take that feeling away from people who found a comfort in being there.

I'll be holding any further opinion until I see more of what this movie is really aiming to do, but at first impression, I'm still dealing with a very sour taste in my mouth.

Janiece said...

Kate, I hear what you're saying, because the 1st Amendment really isn't a pick-and-choose kind of deal, at least for me.

So while I think that POS "Expelled" is a waste of space and makes me angry, I recognize the creator's desire to make it and have its message heard.

I think this piece is probably just the polar opposite.