UCF Org Chart, Version 1

Monday, June 16, 2008

Yikes. I think I see a trend, here...

Let me know about corrections/additions in the comments.


vince said...

Yikes. I think I see a trend, here

Yeah, it means I need to move closer to somebody, 'cause being in Minnesota has left me with no lines.

::sulks away to do work::

vince said...

Oh, and you did a really great job on the chart!

Janiece said...

Vince, there's always Gift Exchange or Phone Calls...didn't you speak to Kate live before you featured her on your show?

Also, there's Cons...do you ever attend?

Anonymous said...

Lovely chart, but I feel the need to call someone or to send somebody something - I feel so lonely. :(

Anyone live in the general Southern California area? Anyone at all?

Janiece said...

Poor Carol Elaine. I think you may be the only UCF member in SoCal, but I'm not positive.

You could always come to Denvention, and meet three UCFers at once!

Anne C. said...

Nice job, Janiece.

I looked back at your accounting of activity post and wanted to clarify that Michelle sent me a book and I sent her potato flour, so our one line represents two activities.

Also, I love Jim's idea about an alternate universe. That would be the one where Vince actually lives in SoCal and has lunch occasionally with our Science Officer, Carol Elaine.

Janiece said...

Anne, I think I'll leave the "alternative universe" chart to another member of the group. Hehe.

And in order to make my life easier, I'm using only one line for gift giving in either direction. Because, really, making my life easier is always a worthy goal.

If things ever slow down in the job for which I'm actually paid, I may do an actual Flow Chart, based on the FooeyU entry on the "e," and blogging activity.

Don't hold your breath, though...

John the Scientist said...

Do post cards count for the "gift exchange? Becuase Anne needs a bunch more lines, and I need on to Michelle.

Janiece said...

John, I didn't include them, but I can if the group decides to do so.

Snail Mail is so rare these days, it might be a good idea...

What do the rest of you think?

If you vote "yes," then please note the additions.

Jeri said...

I'm not sure on how the angle would fit, but Jim and I get a red line for our coffee date - conspiracy session.

Hmm... snail mail, postcards in *yellow* would be pretty. Because then the center of the universe would shift to Anne. ;)

Jeri said...

Janiece, are you going to design an automated contact management system to keep us in touch based on these initial drawings? Something with real time, multi channel capabilities, computer and handheld integration, coffee-making and multi-universe functionality? Bomb-proof would be an added bonus.

Nathan said...

I think post cards/letters should count. I got one from Anne.

Also, doesn't Vince get some kind of credit for pimping me and Jim on his radio show?

Nathan said...

Oh, and Holy Crap!

Janiece said...

Jeri, perhaps you missed the part about me needing to do the work for which I'm actually paid.

Of course, I'm happy to design your system - I believe my company typically charges $350.00 an hour for my services in a "pay as you go" model.


I'll add the yellow snail mail lines, but Anne, please tell me to whom you sent post cards. I only know about the ones that got a blog mention.

Janiece said...

Nathan, what about a pimping line? Will that do?

Random Michelle K said...

How exciting!

Thank you for your hard work!

Please add mail--or else count it as a gift exchange. After all, it's rare enough to be a gift anymore!

Random Michelle K said...

Oh, I couldn't quite tell if it was on there. Tania called me at work so I've actually spoken to her.

And Vince, you're just going to have to travel more.

West Virginia is really quite lovely!

Nathan said...

Works for me Janiece. And the line needs to be wearing a really tacky hat with a wide brim and purple feathers.

Anonymous said...

Anne C., in that alternate universe we would have Star Trek style transporters that would enable to bop all over the place for lunch.

Janiece, no can do Denvention. :( Funds prohibit it, as does the fact that the first day is my SmartHotGuy's birthday, so I wanna be around for that.

Vince (or any of youse guys), drop me a line at carol.elaine@ordinarygoddess.net and I'll send you my phone number. We'll attach lines to our boxes yet!

Anne C. said...

Carol Elaine, that is why we have you as our Science Officer. You have Vision!