UCF Org Chart

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Isn't is strange how on-line projects tend to take on a life of their own?

Here's what I have so far for the ultra-geeky UCF Org Chart:

Meat Up

Nathan and John the Scientist
Janiece and Anne
Jeri and Jim
Shawn and Kate
Tania and Jim

Gift Exchange

Nathan and Jim
Nathan and Jeff
Nathan and Chris
Nathan and Todd
Nathan and Pixelfish
Janiece and Nathan
Janiece and Anne
Janiece and Jeri
Janiece and Shawn
Janiece and Tania (by Proxy)
Janiece and Jim
Janiece and Michelle
Anne and Michelle


Nathan and Shawn (Legendary Status)
Nathan and Jim
Janiece and Anne
Jeri and Jim
Shawn and Justin

Please post your corrections and additions in the comments section...


Shawn Powers said...

I don't think I've ever spoken with Justin. (I realize "working for the same place" would make one assume such things, but alas, I don't think it's true)

Nathan said...

Actually, I've spoken to John on the phone and to Snave as well, now that I think about it.

Nathan said...

And in the interest of remaining "hard to please" as you so callously called us in the prior thread, I'm holding out for a flow chart with lots of complicated connections.

Janiece said...

Nathan, you'll get over it.

Or you can draw it yourself - that's always an option.


Nathan said...

I will not get over it and you can't make me. And just for getting snotty about it, I want the chart to include exactly where each person came from, where they encountered each other person for the first time and their preferred underwear style (boxers, briefs, thong, etc.)

vince said...

I'm a boxers kinda guy. Your turn Nathan.

kimby said...

Michelle has sent me chocolate peanut butter..and her package is on its way to her (contents not posted here for the "surprise" factor. She knows it is coming...just not what is completely in it)

Nathan said...

Tighty whiteys.

Please now go and read Anne's TMI post.

vince said...

Hey, you're the one who said you wanted the chart to include"...their preferred underwear style (boxers, briefs, thong, etc.)"

Jeri said...

See the D&D flow chart created after Gary Gygax's death for an example - and then go to town, Nathan. You do use Visio, don't you?

Random Michelle K said...

None of the above/other for the listed choices.

Tania said...

Tania called Michelle @ work on the day she was bored.

Michelle sent Tania AWESOME Lip Gloss that Tania knows she sent Michelle a note gushing over it to her, but apparently the electrons went astray. Look for a blog post on the AWESOME lip gloss tomorrow.

Jim gave Tania a really beautiful covered container that he made when they met up in Anchorage. Being a schlub, Tania doesn't recall bringing him anything.

Tania said...

Oh, and I finally got my postcard from Anne. Yay!

Nathan said...


This here blog is the first time I've ever seen the word Visio.

Jim Wright said...

I just got a card from Anne in India. Since Anne has now returned from far away places, it's as if I received a card from either an alternate universe Anne or from an Anne of times past. Either way, it's cool.

So, I'm thinking you need to add some "alternate universe" or "links across time" connections. Also I would like to see this converted into a full immersion 3-D computer model that can be ... What?

Janiece said...

Jim, tell Beastly to wrestle the crack pipe out of your hands and drive you on over to rehab.

Nathan said...


You're the one who decided to take this on. Quit bitchin' just because we want bitchin' graphics.