In that vein, I have to say that Joe Bonamassa's 2007 CD was more than adequate, and I'm starting to become a bit of a fan-girl. Technically, he's a blues artist, but at the end of this performance, you'll see why I also consider him Guitar Pr0n.
Here's the title track from Sloe Gin. Enjoy!
Guitar pr0n for me is more flat-picking bluegrass than electric guitar solos. Does that make me more of a Bo and Luke Duke kind of woman? ;)
Guitar pr0n = Joe Satriani
Every time I listen to Always With Me, Always With You, I get goosebumps. Every. Time.
Hey, Guitar Pr0n is Guitar Pr0n. Which is why you see Union Station players and Vince Gill along with John Mayer, Beck and BB King at Eric Clapton's Crossroads Festival.
You're just a Pr0n kind of woman.
Cindi, I listen to Satch quite often (G3, anyone?). In fact, the Smart Man is currently drooling over a signature Satch Peavey Amp.
My personal favorite of his is Starry Night.
Joe Satriani--because he's not as insane as Steve Vai.
Steve's kind of a oddball, that's true.
I was always an Yngwie Malmsteen fan myself, in spite of his personal 80's time-warp.
Now I'm just waiting for Jim to show up and start talking about Mark Knopfler...
I you want some serious guitar pr0n, check out Allen Holdsworth. The man if a freakin' genius!
I was thinking about the guitar pr0n on the way into work this morning, listening to some David Gilmour--I was possibly listening to what might have been converted audio from a live DVD, if such a recording actually existed in an iPod compatible format (it doesn't). On his In Concert DVD (hypothetically the source of the audio I was listening to... in my imagination), one of the bonus features is a bunch of close-up footage of just his hands during several of the songs. Awesome stuff, watching those graceful bends and noting the chord changes.
There's a man who knows who's buying his DVDs.
(And for the record: I definitely own both of Gilmour's DVD releases, legal and store bought. As for any other audio recordings that someone might possess of live concerts performed here and there... hm....)
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