Lalala, I Can't Hear You!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
In a truly shocking development, the Office of the Vice President has been accused by former EPA deputy associate administrator Jason K. Burnett of editing the testimony of CDC Director Julie Gerberding, who found that global warming is "a serious public health concern." Such a finding, made public, might actually require that we get off our collective ass and do something about our carbon emissions, and well, we can't have that.

This is following the White House's refusal to open an e:mail from the EPA detailing the finding that climate change poses a threat to public health. Because, really, if you don't "officially know" about something, you have no obligation as a public official to take action.

Isn't it nice that we have a government that follows the "Lalala, I can't hear you!" policy approach, followed by the "These aren't the 'droids you're looking for, move along" strategy of public communication.

Proud to be an American under this administration, yessiree, Bob.


vince said...

Not to mention the "lets give all airline passengers writs bands that can track them via GPS and taser them" Homeland Security asshats (see Eric's blog for details on this latest folly).

Janiece said...

I saw it, thanks.

But seriously, I can only take so much governmental asshattery in one day, you know?

I don't see how *ZZZZZZZ* Ow! Ow! *ZZZZZZ* Dude! Don't taser me! *ZZZZZZ*

Jim Wright said...

this kind of bullshit is the hallmark of the this administration, and neocons in general.

Science says something counter to our religion? lalalalalala

Climatic change? lalalalalalala

Actual, on the ground, military intelligence indicates that Iraq is not the driods we're looking for? lalalalalala

I could go on, but it hurts to type. Maybe if I ignore it, it'll go away, lalalalalalalalalalala

Janiece said...

Jim, you arm and shoulder only hurt because you're not in your "right" mind.


Jim Wright said...

I am in my right mind - I'm left handed. lalalalalalalala

Chris said...

I wish I could ignore email at work; but if I did that, they would fire me. Must be great to be in politics...

Janiece said...

Chris, if they fired you, you could spend more time at the Country Club!

Oh, wait...

Steve Buchheit said...

It's more of - if they don't open the email, publicly deny opening the email, then that draft is still an internal draft, not an official draft delivered to the White House, which would then be subject to a FOIA request. Then the "official draft" could be compared to the "final report" and people could then say "The White House had this, this, and this changed." As it is now, legally, the White House can deny forcing the changes, because they never accepted or read the document.

Janiece said...

Steve, your point is well-taken (and true), but to me, that's simply "Neener, Neener, I can't hear you, and you're deaf, too!" instead of "Lalalala, I can't hear you!"

Just as childish, and just as obvious.

Seriously, who believes the Administration doesn't know what's contained in that document?

But yes, by all means, let's all pretend the Administration has plausible deniability in the case of climate change.

I need a drink, and it's only mid-morning...

Random Michelle K said...

Such a finding, made public, might actually require that we get off our collective ass and do something about our carbon emissions...

No offense, but I don't think health concerns will motivate Americans in the slightest.

At least it hasn't worked so far for other health issues.

Janiece said...

Michelle, I was actually thinking about emission standards for vehicles and other regulations that would force the issue.

Random Michelle K said...

I know.

What I meant was I don't see Americans getting all up in arms about it, and if there is no noise about it, no one is going to do anything about it.

That was my line of thinking.

Janiece said...

Michelle, I tend to agree. Unless the threat is immediate and agressive, we tend not to do too well on the self-sacrifice front.


Random Michelle K said...

we tend not to do too well on the self-sacrifice front

Can I nominate this for understatement of this presidency?

MWT said...

Can we sacrifice him yet?

Janiece said...

I second MWT's motion.

How about a fiery volcano?

Note to Secret Service: Kidding. Just kidding, I would never... *ZZZZZ* Ow! Ow! *ZZZZZ* Dude! Don't taser me! *ZZZZZ*

Man. Tasered twice in one day. No wonder I feel a bit blue...