Loot! Loot! Loot for ME!

Friday, July 18, 2008

That's right, folks - LOOT FOR ME!

In today's mail I received this skein of merino wool from Random Michelle.

I usually knit with the senior center's castoffs, so this is fancy-shmancy for me.

Loot, Loot, Loot for ME! Thanks, Michelle!


Random Michelle K said...

Hand dyed in West (by God) Virginia! I saw that, remembered that you knitted, and thought maybe you'd like it.

I meant to send her "bookmark" along. Has her website I think. Obviously I forgot.

Happy Birthday!

Cindi in CO said...

Oooh, pretty colors! I like bright!

kimby said...

Very pretty!
Learning to knit is on my list of things to do before my next birthday.

Steve Buchheit said...

That's a right fine skein of wool there. Ooo merino.