'Tard of the Week - Elaine Donnelly

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Elaine Donnelly, the President of the Center for Military Readiness is this week's 'Tard.

Ms. Donnelly, who as far as I can tell is not a veteran, testified yesterday at a hearing of the House Armed Services personnel subcommittee on the topic of the Armed Forces' "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for gays in the military.

Where to begin, where to begin...

She ranted against the possibility of "transgenders in the military." Really? I've got news for her - there are already transgenders in the military. They just express themselves privately.

She predicted that lesbians would take pictures of people in the shower. Because she has so much experience in showering with lesbians? I never had a lesbian try to take my picture in the shower, and I served with lots of them. If they'd tried, I'm pretty sure I would of punched them in the head. Which, incidentally, is also the treatment a man would receive if he committed the same act.

She assumed the presence of gays in the active duty ranks would spread "HIV positivity" throughout the ranks. Presumably by spreading HIV cooties.

Her written statement warned against "inappropriate passive/aggressive actions common in the homosexual community." I'm not even sure what this means. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't either.

She continued with forecasts of "forcible sodomy" and "exotic forms of sexual expression." Forcible sodomy? You mean like...I don't know...rape? I've got news for you, honey. This has been going on for as long as the profession of arms has been followed. Since rape is not a crime about sex, but one about control, the genders of the victims is really secondary. And a gay person's propensity to commit such an act is the same as a straight person's. You 'tard. And "exotic forms of sexual expression?" Seriously? Because I guess all those straight soldiers, airman, Marines and sailors would never consider any sexual act that did not include the missionary position. Denial - it's not just a river in Egypt.

She repeatedly brought up the case of "a group of black lesbians who decided to gang-assault" a fellow soldier. The fact that the alleged assault occurred in 1974 was not mentioned, at least not by her. And why was the race of the alleged attackers germane to the discussion?

The good part is that her ranting and paranoia actually hurt the cause of the homophobic right. After hearing her raving, most people don't want to be associated with such a freak.

That's a shame.

You know, people of good conscience can disagree about the best personnel policies to govern the profession of arms in this country. There are professional soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen who do not think having gays openly serving the armed forces is the right thing, and some of their concerns are legitimate and should be addressed. Just because I believe gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve openly doesn't mean there isn't another, perfectly legitimate, point of view.

But I don't think this woman's concerns are legitimate. She's fear-mongering and stereotyping in order to ensure her conservative position is the one that's "heard." She might want to reconsider that. Because, seriously, who wants this 'tard speaking for them? I'd say it was a set-up by the Democrats if the Republicans hadn't consented to the witness panel. Is it possible they didn't know how enraged and unreasonable this woman is on this topic? If so, I'd say there's more candidates for 'tard of the week.


Chris said...

Wow. Why do people like this continually open their mouths at all? They just end up sounding like jackasses every time.

Anonymous said...

Jeez. Them homos are at the root of all things perverted in the military, doncha know that?

After all, heteros have helped keep the reputation of the military absolutely sparkling without nasty phrases like Tailhook entering the American lexicon.


'Tard indeed.

vince said...

She repeatedly brought up the case of "a group of black lesbians who decided to gang-assault" a fellow soldier.

Like heterosexual gang rapes have never happened. And her site has a "Support The Troops" petition. Keep out military strong by saving them from the gays.

What a bunch of crap.

Janiece said...

Teh Gayz! Teh Gayz! They're contaminatin' my moral center!

Eric said...

I laughed my ass off when I read about Donnelly's testimony.

I think it was in a WashPo editorial that I was reading about it; the author pointed out that, aside from everything else that was wrong with what Donnelly had to say, she apparently neglected to mention that the "lesbian assault" happened in 1974.

From what the commentator said, Donnelly may have inadvertently done more for gay rights than any other person who testified.

Eric said...

Ah! It's the same WashPo column you linked to in the second paragraph. Excellent!

mattw said...

What a 'tard. Very well deserving

Jim Wright said...

I've got my doors locked and I'm sitting here clutching my pistol.

The lesbians, they're not getting me without a fight.

Well, not without a wrestling match at least. In oil.


Snark aside, I have to wonder if when people like Donnelly speak they actually believe the crap that's coming out of their mouths, or if they're engaging in hyperbole simply to make their point. Because, seriously, if you actually believe this kind of crap - well, then you're insane.

I'll say, as a veteran, as a combat veteran, as somebody who has been shot at more than once - I don't give a flying monkey fuck if the guy next to me is as queer as a three dollar bill or if the squad I'm leading is a pack of gleeful lesbians damp from a group shower - just as long as they can follow orders and shoot straight (pun, intended, sue me).

People like Donnelly piss me the hell off. The military is not a social experiment, or a place to impose your ideas of social conservatism. Fuck you, Donnelly. What matters, the only thing that matters, is the mission. Period.

Fuck, the thing that I can't understand is this - if you hate gays so goddammed much, why the hell wouldn't you want them serving in the military? You know, so they can go off and die to further the NeoCon Imperial Ideal of Conquest? Two birds, one stone.

Sorry for the froth and spittle, Janiece, but it's entirely your fault for posting this. Arrgggh!

[Bad Warrant. Have a cup of coffee and a smoke, Chief will fix things]

Janiece said...

No trouble, Jim.

I'll find some ambitious, clueless J.O. to blame it on.