This is going to be a long 4 weeks. For both of us.
However, this afternoon he decided that what would cheer him up was a good roll in the grass under a warm sun. He feels a bit better now.

This is going to be a long 4 weeks. For both of us.
However, this afternoon he decided that what would cheer him up was a good roll in the grass under a warm sun. He feels a bit better now.
And doesn't everyone feel better after licking their nether regions?
Hell, Amy, if we could do that, we'd never leave the house. :D
Yay for doggie happiness!
Yay! Being outside in the sunshine usually raises my spirits too!
Yay sunny grass! Yay Boogie pics! :)
The other thing that seems to cheer up Nora, our Giant Schnauzer, besides rolling in the grass (especially if she can find some stinky organic matter to roll in), is a really loud squeaky toy. She's almost eleven, almost blind, her joints sometimes hurt and she's fighting two different cancers, but she really enjoys squeaky toys and stinky grass.
Welcome back, Lawrence.
Poor Nora.
Boogie also loves the squeaks, but he also loves to hop around and chase them all over the house.
Not conducive to healing.
He's comfortable enough with the splint now that he doesn't see why it should slow him down.
Poor Boogie...
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