I have to go into the office for the next few days, because I'm going to be busy saving the world from world hunger, AIDS, and the criminally insane.
Unfortunately, such super-hero achievements cannot be accomplished from my virtual office, so I'm forced to actually leave the house and wear work clothes and comb my hair before noon.
I hope the world appreciates the supreme sacrifices I'm making on its behalf...
Okay, enough of that. I'll be going in for the next few days to teach a class on performing system engineering tasks in a competitive environment. It has a cheesy name, too, but that's the gist of it.
So I'll be scarce for a bit. I'll trust the regulars to smack down the trolls as appropriate and (as usual) drink all my beer and eat all my chocolate in my absence.
Happy Monday, Hot Chicks and Smart Men.
We have totally got to get some more regulars that drink wine. Or at least Guinness...
[pokes around the fridge for some guinness]
Shawn, we always have beer and Mike's.
Other than that, I think you're ass-out.
But there's double-stuf Oreos!
Shawn..there is ALWAYS GUINNESS when i am around.
Also, usually a nice dry white (i don't like reds).
Handing Shawn a Guinness and wondering why he was looking for it in the fridge? While i don't mind it cold, i prefer my Guinness at room temp.
Have you tried Innes & Gunn? It is my second fave next to Guinness. A little pricey, but well worth it.
Hey Shawn..a link for that Ale...
Ok..last one...
Hey Shawn...this link is better..it is the actual Link to Innis and Gunn.
Did you get your superhero outfit Janiece? What color is it? I'm hoping you were able to convince them that spandex was Right Out.
I made some brownies. Anyone want one?
I'll be too busy putting on my own cape and spandex to drink your beer. I've been asked by Congress to find out where Karl Rove is eating lunch and fly him back to D.C. by the scruff of his neck.
That's right, I've been assigned by the insane to save the world from hungry criminal aides.
Hee! Eric made a funny!
And I totally want to see you in spandex!
Um, if there's going to be spandex, I'm going to need something harder than beer or wine.
Jim said "harder"
Tee Hee!
(sorry, as it turns out, I'm really an 11 year old middle schooler)
Jim, do you mean "harder" as in a codpiece? Just askin', 'cause spandex is very unforgiving.
And yes, I am also 12 years old.
So wait, Jim is wearing spandex too?
Can you guys set aside a Guinness for me? I need to get some work done, but I'll be needing it soon.
Since I'm on my way, any requests for what I should bring? Spandex spot-cleaning solution?
Bring wine. Something red, please. (Sorry Kimby, white wine doesn't do it for me...)
Can I sit in the corner over here and sulk for awhile?
Had lunch today with a friend/ex-coworker who just filed divorce papers and is moving to Florida. She's leaving her husband everything except what fits in her car (excluding her Grandmother's china, which will remain at her mother's house) and going to start over.
There's just something depressing about learning that a friend's marriage has imploded.
And that she's moving really really far away.
Awe man... that really sucks. :( Yes, feel free to sulk, I dunno what else might help...
Michelle, that is pretty tough. By all means, sulk if it helps. And have a pint of Guinness/glass of wine/alcohol of your choice during your sulk. It might help.
I'll take a brownie, BTW. Anyone care for peanut butter chocolate chip cookies? They go really well with this pinot grigio I've got.
Yeah! And let's discuss ID while we're at it!
:ducks for cover:
I wish I could drink. Today, especially, I really, really wish I could drink. It's a definitely a tall margarita kind of day.
So I abuse books instead. I can't even do that tonight, as I have to work tonight as well, a couple of unexpected presentation deadlines have reared their very ugly heads. Bleah, bleah, bleah. Similar to Scalzi's photoshopping, blog commenting is one of my means of procrastinating.
So while you're curing the minds of the criminally insane, could you include the criminally insane arbitrary deadline in there?
Back to the powerpoint...
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