Dr. Horrible - Act III

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Don't forget to watch Act III of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog. It's only up until midnight tomorrow, so if you don't you'll hate yourself on Monday morning.

And if you're interested in a video response, check this out, produced by the UCF's own Kate Baker.


Jeri said...

And if you do you may hate yourself on Monday morning too. ;)

Janiece said...

What? You're not a Joss Whedon musical fan club member?

Jeri said...

I do like it a lot - I love Joss Whedon. But it's campy enough that you kinda wonder WHY you liked it so much the next morning. ;)

Janiece said...

Ah. Jeri's having a "Coyote Ugly" relationship with Dr. Horrible.

Now I understand.