This is my birthday cake.
Usually my Smart Man goes to one of our local bakeries and buys me a cake for my birthday, but this year he decided to try and make me one. He's never really baked anything, and was a bit apprehensive about it.
We cut into it last night, and it was really quite tasty.
Thanks, Smart Man! Hmmm.....cake.
Is that German Chocolate?
Great Job Smart Man!
My own Geeky-Guy is NOT a cook. By ANY stretch of the imagination. But every year, he tries to bake a cake for me...it is better than any gift he could buy.
And why, prey tell, are there little caltrops liberally sprinkled about the cake surface?
Yes, german chocolate. My favorite!
The caltrops are toothpicks to keep the tin foil from sucking the frosting off when you uncover it.
Ack, why in the name of all that is holy would you ruin, RUIN, a perfectly good chocolate cake with the addition of fucking coconut? Why? Why? Why?
But, yeah, cool that he actually made you a cake.
Regarding the toothpicks, if that's a pyrex dish, they make lids for those pans. They're rather nice, and allow you to place things on top of the pan, which is nice when you're refrigerating something.
Just so you know.
I'm with Jim on the coconut...vile stuff, it is. But then again, it's your cake.
Michelle, it's a pyrex. Does the lid taller than the pan edge? Because most of our cakes are taller than the edges...
I like German chocolate - and I do like coconut and nuts. But I love dark chocolate without that doggone caramel stuff. ;)
Chocolate cake with chocolate kahlua ganache filling and a scoop of Breyers vanilla bean ice cream on the side. Mmmm....
Yeah for the Smart Man! He did good. :)
I bought some plastic pans that you can actually bake in and they have lids to put on for leftovers. (Only about 1/4 inch taller than the pan edge, though.)
I looked at them and said, "we're having lasagna this week".
Janiece, excluding right at the edge, the lids are higher than the edge of the pan.
I've found mind at Corell stores at outlet malls.
They make 'em for the rectangular pans as well. It's really nice to be able to stack things when you've got lots of pans.
I have a metal baking pan that came with a plastic lid. The lid isn't that much taller than the top of the pan, but it isn't flat, either.
How awesome is the Smart Man? VERY! Please send him my congratulations. :)
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