I am a Hot Chick living in Castle Rock, CO with my fabulous family. We have a rescue dog named "Jackson," and she's a Basenji/Shepherd mix. She's something of a head case, but we love her. I'm a U.S. Navy vet, and I currently work as an Enterprise Solutions Architect, specializing in VoIP and multimedia contact center design. I care about social justice, libraries, science, the U.S. Constitution and the military. I'm a tax and spend liberal in a largely red county, but I try not to be stabby about it. I knit for charity. Stupidity, cupidity and wanton assholery piss me off, and I'm more than a little soft when it comes to dogs and those who serve others. I blog about whatever I feel like. I use foul language, so if that sort of thing offends you, feel free to fuck off now - if I'm unwilling to clean up my language for my fabulous Great Auntie Margie, I'm unlikely to do so for you. Newcomers are welcome here, especially those who disagree with me, but trolling and spamming will be met with the Shovel of Doom™.
That's brilliant. If this had only been around when my asshole big brother was whooping my ass at Monopoly?
Nathan, I have a very disturbing image of you as a young boy hurling throwing stars at your brother to drive him off of Park Place...
"Take that, you butt-head! Park Place is mine!"
*maniacal laughter*
I think staple guns and Risk are a great combination too, on more than one level. You are NOT removing my armies. NOT.
Just to tell you what a strange child I was, when I was in high school, for months and months my friend Jon and I played Risk over the phone.
During the day, the game sat on the microwave, since the phone was in the kitchen. Then we'd sit on the phone for hours and talk and play Risk.
So the staple gun would totally not have worked, because by the time I saw him the next day in school we would have forgotten about it.
Contrary, even to the dialog, that was not a staple gun...it was a nail gun...much more effective.
And a Hilti would leave all of them in the dust. (or nailed to the dust through 2" of concrete.)
That would be a lot funnier if it weren't so damned true.
I always play by Insurance company rules.
Which would funny, you know, if it wasn't so dammed true.
Have I mentioned that I hate insurance companies for exactly this reason?
In my experience, the word attorney works wonders when dealing with the insurance asshats.
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