How cool is the Cassini-Huygens probe? How cool is our space program? Cool as shit, that's how cool.
Images like these give me hope for our sorry species...
Images like these give me hope for our sorry species...
I would have to say fantastically cool. Then again, I am a wee bit biased on the matter.
Carol Elaine, you're entitled to be biased. I am envious of your place of employment...
Janiece, many's the time I still can't believe I work here. Just recently I heard one of my bosses talk to another scientist in astrophysics jibber jabber and it made me smile. I had no idea what they were talking about, mind you (something about the depth of the Spitzer Telescope images - the other scientist is the project scientist for Spitzer), but I loved hearing them talk about it!
With stuff out there like this I can't figure out why our kids are not flocking to the math and sciences in our public schools. ? ? ?
I sure would give some thought to redoing my choices if I had the opportunity...
"With stuff out there like this I can't figure out why our kids are not flocking to the math and sciences in our public schools. ? ? ?"
Mom, the reason stuff like this is not motivating is because it never gets mentioned.
Many of the people teaching our kids are only marginally more intelligent than refrigerator mold, with the same sense of curiosity and wonder.
Testing, exacerbated by NCLB, has left no time in the curriculum for the cool stuff.
Finally, science is taught as a set of facts to be memorized, and even if the kid is excited by stuff like this, he or she can't see the connection between the Mars probe and the boring shit being stuffed down throats in the classroom.
I have lots and lots of rants about this all saved up.
This is one of the reasons why I'm still looking up!
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