'Tard of the Week - PUMA

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
This is a first in 'Tard of the Week history - two 'tards in one week!

This week's second winner is an organization called "PUMA," which stands for "Party Unity My Ass." As near as I can tell, these folks are HILLARY supporters who got their hopes crushed when she lost. (That's right PUMA-'tards. She lost. She wasn't robbed, she wasn't cheated. She lost.) Their tag line? "P.U.M.As are NOT sore losers. We simply believe Obama is grossly unqualified for the Oval Office."

Yeah. I'm sure that's it.

Even a cursory perusal of their website shows just how mature and considered their response is:

- Obama to be coronated in a Greek Temple, where they compare Obama's run for the presidency to the Communist rallies in the U.S.S.R.
- And McCain Panders to PUMA ON Leno, where they compare the Obama/Biden ticket to Osama bin Ladin.
- Obama...The Pimp Connection, where they talk about how Obama knows people who are in cahoots with the Mob.

I've got news for you 'tards: you're not required to vote for Obama. That's why the U.S. has free elections. Just because you're a registered Democrat does not obligate you to vote for their candidate. But that's not really the point for you, is it? The point is a snarling, consuming hatred for Obama. The name PUMA suddenly becomes a lot clearer.

Here's the rub: The policy platforms on which Senators Obama and Clinton ran were virtually identical. There was no substantive difference - when people were voting for their candidate, they were essentially voting for the person they wanted, not the policies. Which is fine - people have to make their decisions somehow, and making them based on experience, character, etc. is as good a yardstick as any.

But now that the decision has been made - and you can stop fooling yourselves, it has been made, regardless of your delusions - you have to start taking policy into account again. If you truly believe Obama's policy is inferior to McCain's...then vote for McCain. I won't agree with your decision, but at least you made a considered choice, and I can respect that. But if you choose to vote to McCain because Obama made your girl take her ball and go home? Then you are a 'tard. Because you've allowed your childish disappointment to negatively affect your franchise.

And another thing...this kind of devotion to political candidate is more than a little creepy. Seriously. Seek help.



Thordr said...

I guess they forgot, if they want they can just write her name in on the ballot, if enough people do it, she becomes the next president. But oh, wait, that would require a couple braincells to rub together.

Cindi in CO said...

I have to say, I thought she knocked it out of the park last night.

My favorite moment was when she asked her supporters, "Were you in this for me? Or for the Mom with cancer and no health insurance?"

I'm looking forward to Bill's speech tonight.

Janiece said...

Cindi, she just fucking annoys me, but I am glad she came out to support Obama unequivocally. Maybe that'll put some of this nonsense to rest...

vince said...

I thought the New York Times had a good analysis of Clinton's speech. They said Speaking directly to her millions of former supporters who remain hesitant about voting for Barack Obama, her message was clear and unambiguous: get over it and get on board the Obama bandwagon.

Steve Buchheit said...

As a Clinton supporter, I just don't understand these people (and still harbor suspicions this is a "false flag" operation). Seriously, they have pharmaceuticals to help with this.

Random Michelle K said...


Don't be so sure...

We switched to electronic ballots, and I have repeatedly complained because the system is unable to accept write-in votes.

Janiece said...

Michelle, in our county and state, write-in candidates are permitted by law. So if someone wants to vote for a write-in candidate, they use a paper ballot instead of the electronic machines.

If write-in candidates are permitted in WV, then the counties are required, by law, to make whatever provisions are required to allow and count them.

Random Michelle K said...


Like I said, I've complained twice to no effect yet.

We'll see what happens this election.

I frelling HATE electronic voting machines.

Anne C. said...

You know that if Obama loses in November, these are the people who will be blamed (like the Nader voters in 2000) and Hillary would be blamed too. That would totally kill any chance people imagine she would have in 2012. She better hope Obama wins.

Janiece said...

Anne, you are so right.

I'm quite sure that's occurred to her and Bill, as well, which is why she was so adamant about giving him her support last night.

Anonymous said...

Four words for PUMA and their ilk: Grow the fuck up.

Neither an Obama nor Clinton fan be I (my heart broke the minute Edwards dropped out and stayed broke), but you can bet I'm voting for Obama in November. Why? Because I sure as hell ain't going to betray the issues that my chosen candidate believes in and has fought for just because he was (somewhat understandably) pushed out of the spotlight by the first election where both a woman and an African-American were finally viable candidates (who are, frankly, too centrist for my tastes, but that's neither here nor there).

And that's exactly what the PUMA people are doing. They're betraying Clinton and the reasons they've supported her by pulling this bullshit.

BTW, only slightly related to this, last week Tom Hayden wrote an excellent article about Obama: Dreams of Obama. I highly recommend it.