Ask Janiece a Question

Monday, August 4, 2008
I'm going to shamelessly steal from Eric and MWT, because I'm going to be a busy, busy gal, what with Denvention Wednesday through Sunday this week.

So I'll take questions from the gallery, and schedule the posts ahead of time.

No question too inane, no question too large. Just bear in mind that the answer may be answered by my good friend, Nunya.


Jeri said...

Hmmm... if I remember right you separated from the Navy at 17 years. If you don't mind my asking, why didn't you go for 20?

Why giant schnauzer?

Who do you think Kate will end up with, Jack, Sawyer or none of the above?

Janiece said...

Um...Kate who?

Tania said...

Boxers, Briefs, Commando?

Does it really taste like chicken?

The modern pentathalon is it a valid Olympic competition?

How much over the speed limit WAS he going?

Jeri said...

Kate from Lost. Sorry, too elliptical. And really, more importantly, if you're a fan - what theory do you think best fits the Lost island residents - purgatory, alternate reality outside of time, afterlife, something else? Because someone has the answer to that one, and it sure isn't me. ;)

Random Michelle K said...

What's your favorite book to read for comfort?

Low-rise jeans: comfortable or abomination? (I don't mean extra-low, showing off not just your underwear and plumbers butt, but also proving that you are not in fact a real blonde. Because those are just nasty.)

Most comfortable shoes in the world.

Nightgown or pajamas?

Nathan said...

I want the best story about putting a sailor in his place who thought he was just dealing with some girly girl.

Janiece said...

Jeri, I don't watch "Lost," so I'll probably skip that one. Sorry!

Jim Wright said...

What was your costume for Initiation?

Weirdest food you ever ate (outside of Initiation)?

Ever think about smothering your husband with a pillow while he sleeps, running his carcase through the leaf chipper, collecting the insurance, and skipping off to Rio with Manalito the pool boy?

mattw said...

The giant has his sights set on you, Sir Gidard is still out cold, and you're pretty sure that squishy thing you just stepped on isn't a mud pie. What do you do?

Eric said...

Favorite female rocker, and why?
