If you're looking for a mate, do not do so at WorldCon. Damn. Just damn.
If you're attending WorldCon and you're in a panel, turn off your damn cell phone. And if you must answer, leave the fucking room, don't chat while the panelists are talking. I swear to Christ, these people have NO FETCHING.
A couple of the panels we attended were pretty good, one was "meh."
Here's a photo of the SCFD bear, peeking into the Convention Center:

And here's a photo of one of my all-time favorite authors. I've read every word he's written, and buy (and read!) every book as soon as it's available. It's the NERD LOVE. He was also extremely gracious and told me to call him "Bob" after I kept saying "Mr. Sawyer" and "sir."

More fun tomorrow!
Robert Silverberg
Elizabeth Moon
Lois McMaster Bujold
I admit I cheated... zoomed in and read the name tags. I can't read the tag on the woman in the middle - maybe Margaret somebody?
Glad you had an interesting time. And Robert Sawyer! Awesome.
Sounds like a good time. And yeah, suitable mates and geeky conventions generally don't mix. I've never been to Worldcon, but I've been to Wizard World a couple times. Nothin' says lovin' like Fat Justice League
Meg Bonham and Larry Niven.
Talk about Nerd Love!
Maybe a little translational service for those uf us who have no idea what this all is? I gather it's a Sci-Fi convention? Of some sort?
Yeah, most definitely the Mechanicky Gal should not go looking for love at a World-Con. :D
Sturgeon's Law applies to science fiction fans as well as science fiction works. Hell, it applies to scientists, too.
Oooooh, the Mechanicky Gal goes trolling around Mechanicky Guys! She knows where her hotties are, and useful, too!
I keep wanting to go geek out with the statisticians that are having a conference at the same time in the same facility.
The John Deere conference looks interesting too, but only if they'd let me try out the equipment.
You negelected to mention that the bear is blue...
Dontcha just love the friendliness of the people at SF conventions? Hell, I spent fifteen minutes talking with LE Modesitt at world fantasy. The conversation started off (in the first minute) with, "I know your books are excellent, all my friends say so, but I have to say I haven't read them yet."
Love those people (well, most of them anyway).
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