Implosion - Not Just for Astronauts Anymore

Monday, August 18, 2008
How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?
Created by OnePlusYou - Online Dating


Nathan said...

I'm good for 48 seconds. That ought to be enough time for one last cigarette.

Nathan said...

And the first person to tell me I can't get a match lit gets the gas grill of retribution.

They're special space matches.

Janiece said...

They're special space matches.


Cindi in CO said...

60 seconds.

Stupid Asthma.

kimby said...

One minute twenty nine?
And i am a smoker???
Hey Nathan, pass me one of those SPECIAL space matches.

Anonymous said...

I'm good for 1 minute and 23 seconds, even with asthma.


Damn it, Nathan, who gave you the special space matches? Those were still supposed to be underwraps! Someone's got some 'splainin' to do...

Jeri said...

1:29 - Ha! I'll outlive you all, my pretties. Those extra inches are good for something, doggone it, if I ever take up space travel.

Eric said...

One minute, twenty-nine seconds. I like the odds better than my odds against gorillas.

After all, I'll have a chance of 2^276709:1 of bring rescued by a passing starship every thirty seconds; the way I figure it, I get three rolls of the die right there.

Eric said...

(Dammit... that should have read "of being rescued..." stupid QWERTY keyboard. William Qwerty was the biggest asshole in history--just had to have his name on something, and just happened to invent the manual typewriter--you'd think he'd have been happy to put his name on the spacebar and call it a "qwertybar," but the stupid dyslexic asshole had to have it right there in the keys. Jerk.)