Welcome to Grade School...er, College, Part I Lost Count

Friday, August 22, 2008
And the whining continues!

Our final paper was due last Sunday night (less than a week ago), and the e:mails are flying again. The crux of the matter appears to be that since the professor has had the papers for almost a week, how come we haven't received our grades yet? Huh? How come, howcome, howcomehowcomehowcome???

Seriously, I feel like I'm stuck on a cross country car trip with a bunch of ill-behaved children. Unfortunately, I can't leave them on the side of the road...


mom in northern said...

who says you can't leave them?

Kick them to the curb and move on.

Not you snake...but I do have to sympathize with the instructor. Putting up with such goings on must be a real trial. Bet she wonders why she got into the business in the first place.

vince said...

You know, legitimate complaints are one thing, whiny crap is another. Man I wish I could email the whiners. But then, I'm sure you'll doo the right thing and express your contempt appropriately!

Janiece said...

I decided not to respond the latest round of asshattery. I am completely over these people, quite frankly.

I just hope none of the whiny asses are in my class next semester...

Tania said...

::head desk::

I know that because of their age none of these numbskulls have ever taught a class, but puhleeze... Don't they want their papers graded in a more thoughtful manner than "Hmm, looks like they hit the page minimum, I'll give it a B".

Wait. We've heard about these students. No, they don't. Urgle.