Happy Birthday, Dad

Friday, August 29, 2008
Today is my father's birthday. He would of been 72, had he lived.

I regret that he never got to know my children.


mom in northern said...

Ya, me too

Jim Wright said...

My thoughts, Janiece, are with you.

I often think similar things, I wish my grandfather could have met my own son, and could have seen my wood shop (he was a master woodworker himself) and the things I do there. I think he would have been proud.

Janiece said...

Thanks, Jim. It's been over 16 years since his death, but it still bites me in the ass occasionally.

Like today.

Jeri said...

I'm so sorry, Janiece - it is hard on days like today.

It is entirely possible that on some plane, at some level, he does know them, and is proud. We can't know. ::shrugs::

I hope your heart's ache eases a little.

vince said...

My thoughts are with you, too.