From the "Things that Make Me Laugh" File

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Of the RSS feeds I subscribe to on Google Reader, Cosmic Variance, a blog written by physicists and astrophysicists, has the highest number of subscribers by several orders of magnitude.

According to Google's "trends" section, Cosmic Variance has 158,050 subscribers. Within my subscriptions, XKCD is a distant second with 23,420, and Post Secret a distant third with 23,075.

How cool is it that a blog about physics and astrophysics has 27 times more subscribers than Go Fug Yourself? Don't get me wrong - I love Go Fug Yourself. But I'm under no illusions about the mental acuity required to get a kick out of it.

Cosmic Variance, trendsetting blog. Damn cool. Super cool, in fact.


Jeri said...

I took Go Fug Yourself off my RSS feed a few months ago in a fit of pruning - and I don't miss it. I occasionally go check it, and am amused, but not all that frequently.

I suppose that's a good thing. :)

Thanks for the tip on Cosmic Variance. I'll have to check it out. I am not already one of the 27X more (or whatever the figure was) readers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's pretty damned cool. I need to check that out myself - thanks for the tip!