Ah, Vacation...

Monday, August 25, 2008
I'm on vacation today and tomorrow, burning days before the end of the fiscal year.

I don't really have any plans, since I'm between quarters at DU, the Smart Man is working, the Smart Boy is in school, the Boogie-Dog isn't allowed to be an active doggie, and there's no fucking way I'm heading anywhere near downtown this week.

I do have to turn in the last of my yearly knitting on Friday for the annual Head-Start and Adopt-a-Family programs. The lap robes for the VA hospital are delivered several times a year. So far I've done 100 scarves, 500 hats and 12 lap robes. I don't think I'll have any more bags ready before Friday, so that will probably be my total for the year. On the bright side, I have a head start for next year (no pun intended).

So for today, I think I'll make up stories about how Jim Wright is the BIGGEST ASSHOLE WHO EVER LIVED. EVER. I'm open to suggestions for tomorrow...


Cindi in CO said...

Oh sure. Take a day off just so you can gain an edge in the contest. Some of us have to stick it to the man in order to participate at that level.

Maybe you're the asshole.


Janiece said...

Actually, I am a "pushy bitch." I have it on the highest authority.

And the fact that you said you have to "stick it to the man" and your boss' name is "Dick" amuses me hugely.

Because, clearly, I'm 12.

Jim Wright said...

Don't worry, Cindi, you're still my favorite.

(psst, Janiece, not really you're my favorite).

:::happily throwing gas on the fire, and waiting for Hot Mom to show up and send you two to your rooms. Bawahahahahaha! :::

John the Scientist said...

"happily throwing gas on the fire"

Jim, you are on seriously thin ice, here. I have it on Bill Cosby's authority that you are not a real parent until you have 2 kids. And he's right.

Hot Mom and I are coming for your Assholiness and locking you in your room for an hour with Rush Limbaugh. For the next offense, we'll do the same, but we'll put you in the chair they put the guy in from A Clockwork Orange, and it will be James Dobson. Third offense is the same, but with Fred Phelps. There have been no reported fourth offenses.

mattw said...

Have a nice vacation, and no way would I be giving away my Jim Wright is an asshole stories.

Why did you know that he faked the lunar landing? Oh, wait, I wasn't supposed to say that.